Chronicles of the Lost Constellation - Secrets in the Void - Poem Lyrics in English


Chronicles of the Lost Constellation - Secrets in the Void - Poem Lyrics in English

In the cosmic tapestry where stars once gleamed,

Resides the Chronicles of the Lost Constellation, it seemed.

Secrets in the void, a mystical spree,

A poetic dance in the constellation's decree.

Constellations, like ancient tales in the celestial scroll,

Chronicles unfold, in the cosmic stroll.

Each point, a verse in the cosmic rhyme,

In the Lost Constellation, where echoes chime.

Beneath the tapestry where galaxies converse,

The Lost Constellation whispers, in the cosmic verse.

In the quiet of the cosmic ballet,

Secrets echo in the void's display.

Oh, listen closely to the void's soft hum,

In the Chronicles where echoes become

A celestial sonnet, in the quiet spree,

Secrets in the void, a cosmic key.

Through the nebulous expanse where echoes glide,

The Lost Constellation harmonizes, side by side.

In the cosmic ballet, where dreams embark,

Echoes resonate in the void's dark.

Stars bear witness to the constellation's tale,

As the Chronicles unfold in the cosmic gale.

In the hush of the cosmic night,

Secrets in the void, a celestial flight.

Chronicles of the Lost Constellation - Secrets in the Void - Poem Lyrics in English
Chronicles of the Lost Constellation - Secrets in the Void - Poem Lyrics in English

In the quietude where the night winds sigh,

Chronicles of the Lost Constellation beneath the sky.

Secrets in the void, where dreams amass,

A poetic dance in the constellation's compass.

In the cosmic chronicles where stars once gleamed,

Lost constellation's secrets, in the void they're deemed,

A celestial tapestry, woven in the endless night,

Chronicles of the lost, where stars took flight.

Oh, the constellations, like ink on the cosmic scroll,

A dance with the universe, where mysteries enroll,

In the canvas of darkness, where secrets lie,

Chronicles of the lost, in the astral sky.

Through the corridors of silence, where echoes wane,

Lost constellation's secrets, in the cosmic domain,

Each star a chapter, each nebula a verse,

In the chronicles of the lost, where cosmos immerse.

Beneath the cloak of shadows where galaxies roam,

Chronicles of the lost, in the celestial tome,

A sonnet written in the void's silent hum,

Secrets in the cosmic void, where memories become.

Stars above, like distant scribes in the cosmic choir,

Witness to the chronicles, where constellations retire,

A dance with emptiness, where echoes deploy,

Chronicles of the lost, in the cosmic void.

Oh, let the secrets linger in the cosmic breeze,

In the chronicles of the lost, where mysteries appease,

A poetic sojourn in the celestial quest,

Lost constellation's secrets, in the cosmic unrest.

In the cosmic tapestry where stars once gleamed,

Chronicles of the Lost Constellation, a story deemed,

Secrets in the void, in the cosmic sea,

A poetic journey where mysteries decree.

Moonbeams, like echoes, illuminate the space,

As the lost constellation leaves its trace,

Each vacant spot, a chapter in the astral tome,

In the Chronicles, where cosmic whispers roam.

Stars, like ancient runes, mark the cosmic page,

As the void unveils its celestial stage,

A symphony of silence in the cosmic night,

In the Lost Constellation's ethereal flight.

Oh, the lost constellation with secrets profound,

In the cosmic ballet where wonders are found,

A tapestry woven in the stellar glow,

Chronicles of the Lost, where legends sow.

Through the corridors of the cosmic domain,

The Lost Constellation's tale remains,

A sonnet written in the celestial void,

In the Chronicles, where mysteries are deployed.

So, let the whispers linger in the cosmic air,

In the Chronicles of the Lost, where legends dare,

A dance with shadows in the cosmic tide,

Secrets in the void, where the Lost Constellation abides.

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