Elysian Overture - Whispers from the Gates of Paradise - Poem Lyrics in English


Elysian Overture - Whispers from the Gates of Paradise - Poem Lyrics in English

In the realm of Elysium where dreams ascend,

Resounds the Elysian Overture, a celestial blend.

Whispers from the Gates of Paradise, a mystical spree,

A poetic dance in the Elysian decree.

Gates of gold, where serenity entwines,

The Overture unfolds in the paradise's confines.

Each note, a verse in the celestial rhyme,

In Elysium's embrace, where dreams sublime.

Beneath the arch of the moonlit night,

The Elysian Overture takes flight.

In the hush of the cosmic ballet,

Whispers echo in the paradise's array.

Oh, listen closely to the overture's hum,

In Elysium where echoes become

A celestial sonnet, in the quiet spree,

Whispers from the Gates of Paradise, a cosmic key.

Through the Elysian fields where echoes glide,

The Overture harmonizes, side by side.

In the cosmic ballet, where dreams embark,

Whispers resonate in the paradise's spark.

Stars bear witness to the overture's tale,

As it unfolds in the moonlit dale.

In the quiet expanse, where echoes converse,

Whispers from the Gates of Paradise, a celestial verse.

Elysian Overture - Whispers from the Gates of Paradise - Poem Lyrics in English
Elysian Overture - Whispers from the Gates of Paradise - Poem Lyrics in English

In the tapestry of night where echoes roam,

Elysian Overture finds its cosmic home.

Whispers from the paradise, where dreams amass,

A poetic dance in Elysium's compass.

In the celestial realm where dreams find flight,

Elysian overture, whispers from gates of paradise ignite,

A symphony in the heavens where angels sing,

In the overture's cadence, where harmonies cling.

Oh, Elysium, a sanctuary in the astral sphere,

Whispers from gates of paradise, where serenity is near,

In the quietude where celestial breezes play,

Elysian overture unfolds, in the cosmic array.

Through the gates of splendor, where peace ascends,

Whispers of paradise, where eternity transcends,

Each note a feather in the angel's wing,

In the Elysian overture, where melodies bring.

Beneath the arches of eternity, where stars align,

Elysian overture, where the divine intertwine,

A sonnet written in the golden pages of grace,

Whispers from gates of paradise, in the celestial space.

Stars above, like ethereal sentinels in the night,

Witness to the overture, where seraphim alight,

A dance with the constellations in the cosmic trance,

Elysian overture, where celestial dreams enhance.

Oh, let the whispers linger in the gates' embrace,

In the Elysian overture, where melodies find solace,

A poetic journey in the celestial ballet,

Where whispers from gates of paradise gently sway.

In the celestial overture where dreams take flight,

Elysian Overture, whispers from the Gates of Paradise alight,

Moonbeams, like harp strings, strum a cosmic tune,

As the gates unfold beneath the enchanted moon.

Stars, like notes, adorn the heavenly score,

In the Elysian Overture, where wonders adore,

Each twinkle, a melody in the astral rhyme,

Whispers from the gates, where dreams sublime.

Oh, the gates of paradise with secrets profound,

In the overture's ballet where magic is found,

A tapestry woven in the celestial gleam,

Elysian Overture, where dreams redeem.

Through the corridors of the cosmic sea,

Whispers from the gates echo in glee,

A sonnet written in the lunar theme,

In the Elysian Overture, where dreams convene.

So, let the whispers linger in the cosmic air,

In the Overture of Elysium, a celestial affair,

A ballet of dreams in the moonlit sheen,

Whispers from the Gates of Paradise, where dreams are serene.

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