Whispers of the Enchanted Garden - Secrets of Blooming Fantasy - Poem Lyrics in English


Whispers of the Enchanted Garden - Secrets of Blooming Fantasy - Poem Lyrics in English

In the heart of enchantment where shadows wend,

Resides the Whispers of the Enchanted Garden, a tale to transcend.

Secrets of blooming fantasy, a whimsical spree,

A poetic dance in the garden's decree.

Whispers weave through petals in the moonlit bower,

Stories of magic in the midnight hour.

Each bloom, a verse in the cosmic script,

In the Enchanted Garden, where dreams are crypt.

Beneath the silvered canopy where stars align,

The Enchanted Garden unfurls in the night's design.

In the hush of the night where dreams persist,

Secrets of blooming fantasy in the garden's tryst.

Oh, listen closely to the garden's soft hum,

In the Whispers where echoes become

A fantastical sonnet, in the quietude,

Whispers of the Enchanted Garden, where dreams elude.

Through the moonlit groves where echoes glide,

The Enchanted Garden whispers, side by side.

In the floral ballet, where dreams embark,

Blooming secrets in the Enchanted Garden's spark.

Stars bear witness to the garden's tale,

As Whispers unfurl in the moonlit dale.

In the quiet expanse, where mysteries rehearse,

Secrets of blooming fantasy in the garden's verse.

In the tapestry of night where echoes roam,

Enchanted Garden finds its celestial home.

Whispers of blooming fantasy, a melody grand,

In the garden's embrace, where dreams withstand.

In the enchanted garden where dreams unfold,

Whispers linger in the air, secrets of stories untold,

Petals dance in the breeze, a floral symphony,

Secrets of blooming fantasy, in the garden's tapestry.

Oh, the garden, a realm where magic weaves,

In the fragrance of blossoms, where imagination cleaves,

In the quietude where fairies may roam,

Whispers of the enchanted garden, a realm to call home.

Through the petals' embrace, where wishes bloom,

Secrets of fantasy, in the garden's perfume,

A sonnet written in the dew-kissed morn,

Whispers of the enchanted garden, where dreams are born.

Whispers of the Enchanted Garden - Secrets of Blooming Fantasy - Poem Lyrics in English
Whispers of the Enchanted Garden - Secrets of Blooming Fantasy - Poem Lyrics in English

Beneath the boughs of ancient trees, where shadows play,

The enchanted garden unveils secrets in the light of day,

Each flower a chapter, each leaf a verse,

In the garden's whispers, where dreams immerse.

Stars above, like twinkling fireflies in the night,

Witness to the secrets, in the enchanted garden's quiet,

A dance with moonbeams, where fantasy takes flight,

Whispers of the garden, where dreams alight.

Oh, let the whispers linger in the twilight's glow,

In the enchanted garden, where fantasies grow,

A poetic haven where stories entwine,

Secrets of blooming fantasy, in the garden divine.

In the enchanted garden where dreams take flight,

Whispers weave tales in the soft moonlight,

Secrets of blooming fantasy unfold,

In the quietude where wonders are told.

Moonbeams, like fairy dust, illuminate the scene,

As whispers dance amid the foliage green,

Each bloom, a stanza in the floral rhyme,

In the enchanted garden, where dreams chime.

Stars, like fireflies, twinkle in delight,

As the whispers unfold in the mystical night,

An orchestra of petals, a symphony of grace,

In the garden of enchantment, where dreams embrace.

Oh, the enchanted garden with secrets untold,

Where whispers of fantasy gently unfold,

A tapestry woven in the lunar gleam,

In the garden where dreams bloom and dream.

Through the pathways where moon shadows play,

Whispers of the Enchanted Garden find their way,

Secrets blooming in the night's embrace,

In the garden where dreams leave a trace.

So, let the whispers linger in the starlit scene,

In the Enchanted Garden, where fantasies convene,

A ballet of secrets in the moonlit waltz,

Whispers of blooming fantasy, where dreams exalt.

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