A Lullaby for the Universe - Songs of Cosmic Dreams - Poem Lyrics in English


A Lullaby for the Universe - Songs of Cosmic Dreams - Poem Lyrics in English

In the cosmic cradle where galaxies swirl,

Resounds A Lullaby for the Universe, a celestial pearl.

Songs of cosmic dreams, a mystical spree,

A poetic serenade in the cosmic decree.

Stars, like notes, in the cosmic score,

Lullabies unfold, forevermore.

Each twinkle, a verse in the celestial rhyme,

In the universe's embrace, where dreams chime.

Beneath the arch of the moonlit dome,

The Lullaby for the Universe finds home.

In the hush of the cosmic ballet,

Songs echo in the universe's array.

Oh, listen closely to the lullaby's hum,

In the cosmic cradle where echoes become

A celestial sonnet, in the quiet spree,

Lullabies for the Universe, a cosmic key.

Through the stardust paths where echoes glide,

The Lullaby harmonizes, side by side.

In the cosmic ballet, where dreams embark,

Songs resonate in the universe's spark.

A Lullaby for the Universe - Songs of Cosmic Dreams - Poem Lyrics in English
A Lullaby for the Universe - Songs of Cosmic Dreams - Poem Lyrics in English

Stars bear witness to the cosmic lull,

As the serenade unfolds, tranquil and full.

In the quiet expanse, where echoes converse,

Lullabies for the Universe, a cosmic verse.

In the tapestry of night where echoes roam,

A Lullaby for the Universe finds its cosmic home.

Songs of cosmic dreams, where dreams amass,

A poetic serenade in the universe's compass.

In the cradle of cosmos where stars softly gleam,

A lullaby for the universe, in the realm of dreams,

Songs woven in stardust, a celestial ballet,

In the cosmic lullaby, where night meets day.

Oh, the universe, a newborn in the cosmic stream,

Cradled in the night's embrace, where galaxies teem,

In the quiet expanse where planets softly sigh,

A lullaby for the universe, where dreams amplify.

Through the galaxies' waltz, where nebulas twirl,

Songs of cosmic dreams, where mysteries unfurl,

Each note a comet, each verse a constellation,

In the lullaby's dance, a cosmic revelation.

Beneath the cosmic canopy where infinity swirls,

A lullaby for the universe, where eternity twirls,

A sonnet written in the starlight's embrace,

Songs of cosmic dreams, in the celestial space.

Stars above, like guardians in the cosmic sea,

In the lullaby's melody, where dreams roam free,

A dance with the cosmos, where silence beams,

A lullaby for the universe, in the realm of dreams.

Oh, let the cosmic lullaby echo in the cosmic hum,

Songs of cosmic dreams, where the galaxies drum,

A poetic journey in the cosmic night,

Where the universe dreams in the lullaby's light.

In the cosmic cradle where stars softly gleam,

A lullaby for the universe, a celestial dream,

Songs of cosmic dreams in the tranquil night,

A poetic melody where galaxies unite.

Moonbeams, like a lullaby's gentle caress,

Cradle the cosmos in a sweet address,

Each star, a note in the cosmic score,

In the lullaby for the universe, where dreams explore.

Stars, like notes, twinkle in the cosmic ballet,

As the lullaby weaves through the Milky Way,

A symphony of silence in the cosmic expanse,

In the lullaby for the universe, where dreams enhance.

Oh, the lullaby that echoes in the cosmic sea,

Songs of cosmic dreams, a serenade so free,

A tapestry woven in the astral theme,

In the lullaby for the universe, where wonders gleam.

Through the quietude where echoes play,

A lullaby for the universe, where dreams hold sway,

A sonnet written in the stellar scheme,

In the cosmic dreams, where the universe dreams.

So, let the lullaby linger in the cosmic night,

A soothing melody, a celestial light,

A ballet of dreams in the cosmic stream,

A lullaby for the universe, where dreams redeem.

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