Chronicles of the Starlit Path - Secrets of the Midnight Journey - Poem Lyrics in English


Chronicles of the Starlit Path - Secrets of the Midnight Journey - Poem Lyrics in English

In the tapestry of midnight where shadows entwine,

Resides the Chronicles of the Starlit Path, a celestial sign.

Secrets of the midnight journey, a cosmic spree,

A poetic dance in the starlight's decree.

Stars, like ancient scribes, in the celestial scroll,

Chronicles unfold, a cosmic story to extol.

Each twinkle, a verse in the eternal night,

A symphony of secrets, a celestial rite.

Beneath the silken canopy where moonbeams play,

Chronicles of the Starlit Path find their way.

In the hush of the night, where dreams persist,

Secrets of the midnight journey, in starlight kissed.

Oh, listen closely to the night's soft sigh,

In the Chronicles where echoes lie.

In the starlit embrace, where mysteries unfurl,

Chronicles of the Starlit Path, a celestial swirl.

Through the verses of night, where dreams entwine,

A cosmic journey, where stars align.

In the silent expanse of the cosmic sea,

Poetry unfolds, a celestial decree.

Stars bear witness to the midnight's tale,

As the Starlit Path unveils its celestial trail.

In the quiet expanse, where echoes conspire,

Chronicles of the midnight journey transpire.

In the moonlit meadows where shadows play,

Chronicles of the Starlit Path hold sway.

Secrets of the midnight journey, where dreams amass,

A poetic dance in the starlight's compass.

Through the quiet dance of the astral night,

The Starlit Path chronicles in the celestial light.

Echoes of the midnight journey, in the cosmic lath,

A celestial tale on the Starlit Path.

Along the starlit path where shadows weave,

Chronicles unfold, in the midnight eve,

Secrets whispered in the cosmic breeze,

A journey beneath the celestial trees.

Oh, the stars, like lanterns in the velvet night,

Guide the way with their soft, silver light,

In the quietude where the moonlight bathes,

Chronicles written in the starry sheath.

Through the tapestry of the galactic sea,

Midnight's journey, where dreams roam free,

Each step a chapter, each moment a rhyme,

Secrets of the starlit path, lost in time.

Beneath the canopy of the celestial dome,

The starlit path leads the wanderer home,

A sonnet written in the cosmic scroll,

Chronicles of the midnight journey, a story to extol.

Stars above, like witnesses to the night's grand tale,

In the starlit path, where whispers prevail,

A dance with shadows, where secrets gleam,

Chronicles of the midnight journey, in the cosmic dream.

Oh, let the starlit path forever wind,

Chronicles of secrets, in the night enshrined,

A poetic sojourn in the celestial aftermath,

Journeying through the secrets of the starlit path.

In the cosmic tome where stars align,

Chronicles of the Starlit Path, a journey divine,

Secrets of the midnight journey unfold,

In the celestial tapestry, where tales are told.

Moonbeams, like quills, scribe in the cosmic scroll,

As the starlit path reveals its stories whole,

Each step, a verse in the nocturnal rhyme,

In the Chronicles, where dreams keep time.

Stars, like lanterns, guide the silent way,

In the midnight journey, where secrets play,

A symphony of whispers in the cosmic night,

In the starlit path, where dreams take flight.

Chronicles of the Starlit Path - Secrets of the Midnight Journey - Poem Lyrics in English
Chronicles of the Starlit Path - Secrets of the Midnight Journey - Poem Lyrics in English

Oh, the starlit path with mysteries untold,

In the cosmic ballet where wonders unfold,

A tapestry woven in the midnight gleam,

Chronicles of the Starlit Path, a celestial dream.

Through the corridors of the cosmic sea,

The midnight journey unfolds, wild and free,

A sonnet written in the astral glow,

In the Chronicles of the Starlit Path's quiet show.

So, let the starlit path weave its cosmic song,

Chronicles echoing the midnight throng,

A celestial dance where secrets sway,

In the starlit path, where dreams hold sway.

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